Formação acadêmica/profissional (Onde obteve os títulos, atuação profissional, etc.)
Júlio Cesar Valandro Soares started his research activities participating in studies related to "Optimization of Solar Water Heating Systems for Building Installations", in the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Hydraulics and Sanitation Department of the Technology Center of the Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM. He took a course of Civil Engineering in the Federal University of Santa Maria and a Master course in Industrial Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Finally Júlio got a doctor degree in Rural Extension with the Postgraduate Program in Rural Extension of the Federal University of Santa Maria in December 2011. The subject of the doctorate thesis refers to entrepreneurship in rural areas, especially with dairy producers. He has concluded a postdoctoral internship in the Department of MKT, Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the University of Ulster - Belfast / Northern Ireland / United Kingdom in July 2013. Júlio was lecturer at the Northwest Regional University of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - UNIJUÍ in the Administration course, with emphasis on production, operations, logistics management and entrepreneurship areas. He is currently Associate Professor 2 of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG)/Faculty of Sciences and Technology. Júlio is especially linked to the undergraduate course in Industrial Engineering and to the Professional Master's Program in Industrial Engineering.
Áreas de Interesse
(áreas de interesse de ensino e pesquisa)
Gestão da Qualidade, Controle Estatístico de Processos, Empreendedorismo e Ensino de Engenharia de Produção.