
The Nursing Postgraduate Program of the Federal University of Goiás (PPG-ENF/UFG) was approved in 2002 and implemented in 2003 with the Master’s degree program. Since the first three-year evaluation (2004-2006), its CAPES score has been 4. The Doctor’s degree program was approved in 2009, starting effectively in 2010.

The group of professors for the Nursing Postgraduate Program has 24 doctors (21 permanent professors and 3 collaborators) and professors from the permanent staff of the Nursing School of UFG, who work under an exclusive dedication regime.

The purposes of the PPG-ENF/UFG are: qualify professionals to act as professors and research and generate knowledge in the concentration area of “Nursing in Human Healthcare”, at the Academic Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree levels. It is open to the community, and its mission is to develop a critical number of nurse scientists in the central west region, with national and international insertion, and who are capable to produce nursing research with an impact on different healthcare areas, encouraging actions to improve the population quality of life.

The academic activities in the Nursing Postgraduate Program aim to ensure teaching-learning experiences that allow a solid training on nursing research, including activities that allow students to learn about methodological basics for field research practice, as well as scientific writing tools.

The minimum duration of the Master’s degree program is 18 months and the maximum duration, 24 months, and for the Doctor’s degree program, the minimum duration is 24 months and the maximum duration, 48 months.

In the Master’s degree program, a student should total at least 28 credits – 24 from disciplines and 4 from complementary activities, and in the Doctor’s degree program, at least 24 credits – 16 from disciplines and 8 from complementary activities.

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